The Free Press Fund — How institutional morality and integrity can emerge from this U.S. election

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By Michael McKibben, The true inventor of social networking, Leader Technologies, Inc. | OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Dec. 13, 2024, Updated Feb. 25, 2025 PDF| | ZIP archive of all supporting evidence in this article (2.6 GB, check Downloads folder).

Fig. 1: President Donald J. Trump signed this executive order during his first term. With regard to Leader Technologies' First Amended Miller Act Notice, the only signature required is on the check that he writes to Leader Technologies. This will fairly compensate Leader's risk-taking shareholders for the government's confiscation of Leader's social networking invention, and its requirement under the Miller Act to fairly compensate Leader for that confiscation.

A freshly-elected Donald J. Trump has an opportunity to rise above the lies, immorality, and narcissism of today’s politics and set America on the path she was ordained by God to follow. The checks and balances of a fully funded and truly free press are essential. There is a way.

I am the true inventor of social networking. We invested $20 million and 175,000 man-hours to created 750,000 lines of source code starting in Columbus, Ohio in 1997 when Zuckerberg was in ele​mentary school. Before that in 1996 I had redeveloped AT&Ts AccessPlus 3.0 email system using Bell Labs as my testers. I also created one of AT&T’s first ten commercial websites on AT&T WorldNet.


U.S. Justice Department, Patent Office & Federal Judges massively failed to protect a real American inventor— Michael McKibben

My social networking invention was stolen by the key actors of the “deep state” that we have since discovered has a name: The British Pilgrims Society headquartered in TheCityofLondon. 

Their American surrogates within the Executive Branch took the lead in the theft. We demand that our shareholders be paid for this Fifth Amendment property confiscation, and we pledge a substantial portion of the royalties to be paid in to a Free Press Fund. President Trump can initiate this immediately by signing our First Amended Miller Act Notice.

Fig. 2: McKibben, Gabriel. (Jan. 10, 2025). Introducing MySQIF™  Message Vault™  | The Free Press Fund. Americans for Innovation, American Intelligence Media. (Raw. *.mp4 video.)

It is impossible to understand the long view of this property confiscation without discussing history that has been censored from the public. 

In the mid-1700’s,  America’s Founders struggled against a rapacious British Empire that dominated much of the world and was controlled by the (Babylonian ​Rādhānite) merchant-bankers of TheCityofLondon chartered in 1067 AD, not to be confused with Greater London. “The City” has a separate royal government (the City of London Corporation) with its own peerage, guilds, laws, courts, and sheriff. Currently, the 693rd Lord Mayor of London is Pilgrim Sir Vincent Thomas Keaveny CBE KStJ​—a partner in DLA Piper, the lawyers for the King's Trust (formerly Prince's Trust). 

The founder and chairman of the King's Trust International is Pilgrim Sir Nigel Knowles, who was Doug Emhoff's boss at DLA Piper (Kamala Harris' 10-year spouse). Under the direction of The King's Trust UK, The King's Trust USA coopts financial support across the United States and the world... "for young people." One is reminded of the similar British banker financing of the YMCA (1844) that became the Pilgrims Society's launching pad for political action in China and the rise of Mao Zedong, not to mention the (British) YMCA's central role in establishing the Lenin & Bolshevism and later the United Nations on Apr. 25, 1945 via the Institute of Pacific Relations. 

Note that Wikipedia fails to disclose that former British prime minister Boris Johnson is the great great grandson of Sir George Williams, the founder of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) on Jun. 06, 1844. Johnson's wife Carrie is the great granddaughter (out of wedlock) of Herbert Asquith, former prime minister and co-founder of the Pilgrims Society. 

Why is this important information? It shows the importance of bloodlines to these criminals. They learned millennia ago that blood ties are essential in maintaining their secrecy and demonic generational continuity. Among other things, the "Y" has been a fruitful stream of young, cheap labor to replace Britain's loss of black slaves in the Slavery Abolition of Act 1833. We will leave naked swimming for another discussion. (Yes, a common "Y" requirement into the 1970's). Ask a baby boomer.

The City eventually funded their “merchants with a sword” corporate monopoly—the B​ritish East India Company—chartered in 1600 AD. It was this company's tea that was dumped into Boston harbor on Dec. 16, 1773. 

Fig. 3: The Boston Tea Party, Dec. 16, 1773, protested the British East India Company tax on tea that they sold to the American Colonies.

History Censorship

This merchant-banker usury history has been written out of our education for a reason—I believe because it identifies the people who profit across generations from the sin of usury—the domain of evil Mammon with whom Jesus Christ contended. 

The Domesday Book published in 1086 A.D. was the first inventory of all taxable properties in Britain. It identified a group called “Radknights” who managed the banking, business, commerce, and tax collection of Norman England. 

Their name is believed to have derived from “Rādhānites” who were the same merchant-bankers of ancient Babylon who had an elaborate web of trading centers throughout Europe—each a day’s travel from the next. They had been running the banking of Babylon and the Silk Road for millennia. 

The British East India Company is notoriously known for making its fortune by theft of labor (slavery of whites, blacks, brown, yellow people), property, money, gold, silver, drug trafficking, natural resources, finances, and freedom, as well as intellectual property. 

For example, Kamala Harris’ great great great grandfather was Hamilton Brown. He was an Irish attorney, banker, and slave holder who helped the Rothschilds set up offshore banking in Jamaica. He sometimes took slaves in lieu of his legal fees and publicly advocated for use of buggy whips to discipline recalcitrant slaves. Royal Gazette, Dec. 5, 1826, pp. 9-11 .


The merchant-banking model of fiat currency, usury, and debt slavery today was born in 1755 B.C. when the Hammurabi Code made usury the law of the land (Law No. 100) and enforced it by the power of the state. 

The archeological records are clear that usury legalized debt slavery, property confiscation, perpetual poverty, prostitution, child sacrifice, and two-tiered societies of slave owners and slaves. See  Egibi and Murašû Archives (ca. 5th–7th century B.C.). 

Usury triggered the development of a lawyer-banker-merchant class that emerged to profit from, control, and enforce this new economic system. They have never given up that power. When one observes today the dominance of multi-national "white shoe" law firms in all phases of commerce, it becomes apparent that an unholy trinity exists among banks, fascist corporations, and their lawyers and accountants​. Most lawyers, seen in their light, are grifters for the Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-bankers. As one example, here is a list of "white shoe" law firms who currently push the privacy and property-destroying software end user license agreements.

These Babylonian merchant-bankers are worshippers of Mammon, Moloch, Ahriman, and Ba’al, among the dozens of demon-gods that King Solomon eventually built temples to please his 700 wives and 300 concubines ca. 1000 B.C.

Fig. 4: The Hammurabi Code stele, The Louvre, created ca. 1792–1750 BC, Law No. 100: “. . . interest for the money, as much as he has received, he shall give a note therefor, and on the day, when they settle, pay to the merchant.”

Without more information, most people think, if they think about it at all, that the Rothschild family organized modern merchant-banking sometime in the 1700’s at the time of the American Revolution.

This is not so. The fact is the pagan merchant-bankers of Babylon created our current system of debt and usury (charging compound interest on loans) after 1755 B.C. when King Hammurabi had it carved in stone and made the law of the Babylonian empire (3,779 years ago).

The Prophet Ezekiel (ca. 7th  century B.C.): Usury is an abomination

The Hebrew Prophets railed against usury ca. 600 BC. “If he has exacted usury or taken increase — Shall he then live? He shall not live! If he has done any of these abominations, He shall surely die; His blood shall be upon him.” Ezekiel 18: 13.

Likewise, the Christian Church preached against usury (at least until Roman Catholic popes destroyed the Knights Templar experiment with interest-free banks). The pre-Norman English Christian Duchies were against usury. Islam is against usury. The Torah is against usury, but the Babylonian Talmud is duplicitous. 

Today there are few church mortgages that are not debt slaves to faceless banks. 

Why? Because usury leads to debt slavery, then to full on slavery. Does this mean that many Christian churches are choked and neutered by usury? From my experience, more than a few churches are. 

Humans are chattel property to be exploited by banks as just another commodity. 

Human beings become nothing more than chattel to be bought and sold for raw value. Although the Scriptures prescribe the Year of Jubilee as a way to stop generational debt slavery, it does not appear to have been followed. Evidently our bankers are not Christian, Jewish, or Islamic. So whom do they serve?

You "Gotta Serve Somebody." Bob Dylan (1979)

A mortgage makes you a debt slave to faceless, irreligious Babylonian Radknight or “Rādhānite” merchant-bankers. 

Case in point, if you borrow $125,000 to buy a house with no money down, you owe the bank this money with compound interest. 

Are you not a debt slave of the bank? Never mind the banker did no work to justify his or her subsequent income off of you. On average, on a 30-year mortgage you will pay more interest than principle on money the banker was given from the Federal Reserve! 

How do we let merchant-bankers get away with this license to be a slave owner? 

If you cannot pay back the loan you are kicked out of your house and sued to pay it back out of future income. In earlier centuries if that payback failed, you would be enslaved, including your wife and children. 

During the Depression, my West Tennessee mother’s family sold strawberries and canned tomatoes to markets all the way to Chicago—The Forked Deer brand. When customers could not even afford staples like tomatoes, the bank liquidated my grandfather's warehouses and canning factory and put many hundreds of white and black employees out of work. Ironically, those same banks then later begged my grandfather to teach citizens how to can Victory Garden produce for their bankers’ war—World War II. 

Your future creativity and labor became the collateral. It is a never ending cycle of debt and abuse by greedy merchant-bankers who do no real work.

You are human chattel —a commodity to be exploited for its value 

We will skip such heinous current subjects as child sex trafficking, organ, and fetal tissue harvesting that extend the heinous value proposition to stealing body parts for cash. 

Lord have mercy on the innocents.

Fig. 5: Icon for the Feast of the Holy Innocents, a feast commemorating the young children who were cruelly murdered by the paranoid and crazed killer known as Herod “the Great.”

Real Property

Some might think that physical property is the most valuable asset a person has. Incorrect. This is a 1:1 value, or maybe incrementally so with compound interest. 

A person’s lifetime of labor is also valuable. Hence the merchant-bankers invented slavery and indentured servitude long ago. This is also a 1:1 value. 

Once the effort is expended it cannot be repeated except by new effort. Your slave fabricates a chair and you sell it. The same chair can be sold but once.

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property, however, is the most prized commodity of all for these merchant- banker tyrants. 

Ideas are the lifeblood of an economy. They can be multiplicative in value: 1:1, 1:10, 1:100, 1:1,000, 1:10,000, 1:1,000,000, etc. 

The Founders knew this. This is why patents and copyrights are the only property rights delineated in the U.S. Constitution.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 8:

[The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.”

Social Networking

Take my invention of social networking that was stolen by the Executive Branch and its British overlords, for example. 

As stated earlier, I invested $20 million, 175,000 man- hours and wrote 750,000 lines of source code between 1997-2004. I filed patents which were supposed to protect my idea for 20 years so that I could have time to monetize the risk that I and my investors took to conceive and build it. See U.S. Patents No.  7,139,761, 7,925,246 and 8,195,714

See also  Leader v. Facebook, Writ of Certiorari , No. 12-617. U.S. Supreme Court.

Note to the shills who argue that social networking functionality existed before the Internet in instant messaging programs like IRC (Internet Relay Chat). This is an uninformed opinion. Leader proved in a "battle of experts" in Leader v. Facebook that no prior art existed before Leader filed its patents. Leader won that argument on 11 of 11 claims asserted at trial.

The “Defense Machine” confiscated social networking to build a banking, propaganda & bio weapon against the American people

The “Defense Machine,” warned of ​by President Dwight Eisenhower on January 17, 1961, confiscated social networking from me, the real inventor, and my company Leader Technologies; then they weaponized it against not only Americans, but all of humanity.

Fig. 6: On Jan. 17, 1961, outgoing President Dwight Eisenhower warned about the abuse of power by a military-industrial complex.

The City of London

TheCityofLondon merchant-bankers led a group of British and American m​ilitary-industrial criminals to steal my invention. 

The ink was still not dry on our social networking design plans when my patent attorney, James P. Chandler III, George Washington University law professor, busied himself showing it to his patent weaponization co-conspirators at the British Pilgrims Society, including IBM, Rothschild Asset Management, DARPA, Highlands Group, DoD Office of Net Assessment.

The Annexation of America by the Imperial British Empire

Dear Bobby Kennedy: I believe these Pilgrims are the same demons who assassinated your father and uncle because they were threatening to expose the secret British Pilgrims Society. (JFK, April 27, 1961: beware “secret societies” “secret oaths” and “secret proceedings.”) 

Verification of THE SECRET Pilgrims Society Members (1902-present)

Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) was a member of the Pilgrims Society; so were Dean Acheson, John McCone, the Dulles brothers, John Rockefeller, David Sarnoff, Rothschilds, Lamont, Bacharachs, Aldrich, Harriman, Young, Lodge, Mellon, Peabody, Schiff, Vanderbilt, Warburg, Forbes, Morgans, Colby, Andrew Carnegie, Barclays brothers, Thomas J. Watson, William "Wild Bill" Donovan (OSS, MI6, CIA), Watson (IBM), Baring brothers, Walter Cronkite, Caspar Weinberger, Alexander Haig, ​Nicholas Murray Butler, Henry Potter, Alexander Haig, Caspar Weinberger, Miner Warner (current Pilgrims US President), Charlie Rose, Henry Luce I, II, III (Time magazine), John Drexel IV, Paul Volcker, and Henry Kissinger among many others. See Pilgrims Society membership list (Congressional Record, 1940); Pilgrims Society membership list (1973-2014); Pilgrims Society Newsletters (2009-2023); Pilgrims Society U.S. Roster (1969); Pilgrims Society Roster (2004+); Pilgrims Society U.S. Executive Committee (2024), Executive Committee Biographies (2025).

PILGRIMS SOCIETY SINS OF OMISSION from their 100-year official history speak volumes about their present-day demonic agenda

See also  The Pilgrims of the United States, A Centennial History (2003). Critical Note: This official Pilgrims history censors Lyndon B. Johnson, Alexander Haig, Thomas Watson (IBM), David Sarnoff (RCA, NBC, Navy/Admiralty AEGIS satellites), George Will (opinion maker), Allen Dulles (CIA), William Paley (CBS), and Paul Volcker (US Federal Reserve, Bank Bailout) from their list. This is despite that fact that Volcker ran the U.S. Federal Reserve (1989-1987) and was a Pilgrims vice president ca. 2005-2011, according to their own tax records, while he was simultaneously chairing Obama's "President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board"​—aka the Bank Bailout Grift of the American taxpayers by The City of London banks.

The fact is that Dwight Eisenhower’s hands were not clean. Ike and General Marshall approved the ultra-secret “Five Eye’s” intelligence sharing agreement with the British Pilgrims Society via their surrogate entities British MI6, MI5, and GC&CS renamed GCHQ on March 5, 1946. The beginning of the "special relationship." Their first meeting was on Mar. 11, 1946. That group already had control of the FBI and Pilgrims member J. Edgar Hoover. After the war they then directed the founding of the C.I.A. and NSA as their American surrogates. The ANNEXATION OF AMERICA was their primary objective for their New World Order.

The scene of the crime

After our first meetings in Washington, D.C. Attorney Chandler agreed to help us protect our invention. He then played interminable patenting confidence tricks with us to learn our invention while he ostensibly worked to protect it. See Fig. 6 below.

The Scene of the theft of the social neworking invention

Fig. 7: On Jun. 8, 2000, IBM outside intellectual property counsel James P. Chandler, III, author of the Federal Trade Secrets Act, and also new patent attorney for Leader Technologies, and his legal assistant Kelley Clements (L/R, right rear, seated), participated, along with co-inventors Jeffrey Lamb and Michael McKibben (L/R, left rear, standing), in eyes-only Leader invention design sessions in Columbus, Ohio. Little did we know that our patent attorney led the theft.

Sir Geoff​rey E. Pattie, British Pilgrims Society, founder of SERCO, controller of the Monarch's "golden share" 

However, Chandler was secretly making arrangements to steal our invention with IBM and his intellectual property counterpart in the UK, Sir Geoffrey E.Pattie.

Sir Geoffrey was chairman and lead trustee of The Intellectual Property Institute in London, Co. No. 01557489, formerly named THE COMMON LAW INSTITUTE OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (formed Jan. 01, 1995 in TheCityofLondon.)

At the same time in the United States his colleague Professor James P. Chandler (Jr. II, III, he has used all three) founded the National Intellectual Property Law Institute in Washington, D.C. Chandler was also introducing the Economic Espionage Act (EEA) of 1996, the Federal Trade Secrets Act of 1996, and the False Statements Accountability Act of 1996all precursors of the opposites. See also internal EEA machinations.

Hindsight reveals they were coordinating the take down of America’s intellectual property sovereignty by the British Pilgrims Society. That was fully implemented in 2006 with the takeover of the U.S. Patent Office by British SERCO GROUP plc. 

Notably, Sir Geoffrey, who died just months ago, was the keeper of the Queen’s “golden shares” (Crown control over key industries.) He was also the CEO of RCA, founder of SERCO GROUP plc, and controller of Marconi Wireless, BAE, among other Pilgrims Society operations within the British military-industrial machine, including Bell Pottinger PR UK, that received the largest U.S. government propaganda contract of all time to spread a stream of false flags (lies) about the War in the Ukraine.

Sir Geoffrey Pattie also oversaw the Trump-Russia hoax. He is the owner of the propaganda outlets Strategic Communications Laboratory (SCL) and its subsidiary Facebook-front Cambridge Analytica. He had direct collaboration with Sir Richard Dearlove and MI6 two of the most infamous warmongers on the planet.

Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica was given membership in the Pilgrims Society as proved in their newly- discovered Pilgrims Society Newsletter on June-September 2013. The quid pro quo is: keep your mouth shut. 

See  Facebook-​Cambridge Analytica data scandal [ref. SCL-Strategic Communications Laboratories, Sir Geoffrey Pattie, Mark Zuckerberg, Alexander Nix, Nigel Oakes, Pilgrims Society, accessed Dec. 12, 2024. Wikipedia.

Sir Geoffrey and Chandler stole our Leader Technologies source code, gave it to the IBM Eclipse Foundation, then IBM Eclipse bastardized it into a univer​sal surveillance tool by building in an encryption backdoor.

IBM Eclipse then distributed our social networking invention “FREE” as freshly-labeled “open source.” Like a group of two-bit car thieves, they stole our sleek red sports car with a revolutionary new power train, resprayed it IBM blue, then made up cockamamy stories about how they received it. This development alone should have raised red flags in the technology world. IBM is notoriously known as the largest patent holder and licensor in the world. They uniformly force clients into expensive intellectual property licenses. The deniability that they flogged onto the entire technology world was that this code they were giving away was “open source” and therefore royalty-free, no questions asked. This served the spy agenda to implement a universal backdoor underneath the Internet.

How valuable is this British-American theft of my social networking invention?

We invested $20 million to invent social networking. We have not been paid a dime in licenses, outside recent payments. 

The current market capitalization on the breadth of companies supplying social networking to customers worldwide is approximately $10 trillion, or more. 

This makes the value of social networking today at least:

1: 50​0,000

This is why merchant-bankers have stolen intellectual property for millennia. 

Let me give you a few facts to reinforce this value analysis:

  1. SERCO GROUP plc 
  2. "Patents at Work" - Proof America Promotes Patent Theft
  3. RCA-NBC Media Monopoly
  4. Wireless Monopoly
  5. Empire Press Union - "Missionaries of Empire"
  6. Internet Spy Backdoor
  7. Obstruction of Justice & Election Rigging
  8. The Miller Act Notice
  9. The Free Press Fund

1. Serco Group plc

In 2006, the U.S. Patent Office “outsourced” to British SERCO GROUP plc to process all American patent applications. This means the British Pilgrims examiners get first look at every new idea that American inventors share with the U.S. Patent Office during the application process. This is a permanent economic advantage, albeit treasonous.

Proof British allowed to weaponize U.S. Patent Office

Fig. 8:  Press Release. (Nov. 15, 2018). Serco Processes 4 Millionth Patent Application for U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. SERCO.

SERCO (formerly RCA Ltd.) and sister QinetiQ have been allowed to become deeply embedded in American infrastructure, including U.S. patent processing, at least 63 U.S. FAA air traffic controllers, FEMA regions 2 and 9, SPAWAR naval systems, HHS Obamacare, OPM/SES/GSA data systems, global U.S. Army inventory system. SERCO’s CEO is new Pilgrims Society member Mark Irwin as was its former chairman Sir Rupert Soames, grandson of Pilgrims Society co-founder Winston Churchill.

Fig. 9:  Mark Irwin, new CEO, SERCO GROUP plc, UK Company No. 02048608. Member of the Pilgrims Society. His SERCO predecessor, Sir Rupert Soames, is Winston Churchill's grandson.

2. "Patents at Work": Proof America promotes patent theft

In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Pilgrims Society member, signed off on America’s theft of over 50,000 Axis patents during World War II. He then set up an office in Washington, D.C. euphemistically named “Patents at Work” to manage the corporate avaricious feeding frenzy that ensued. These ideas fueled the U.S. post-war economy funded by the corrupt Marshall Plan (Pilgrims Society) promoted by the likes of the corrupt Dulles brothers banker-lawyer-spies.

James P. Chandler, Jr., II, III, said numerous times to me—his intellectual property legal client​—that his professional mission was to "protect the intellectual property of the United States." He knew that we thought he meant to include protection of our invention of social networking. Hindsight shows that he actually meant protection of FDR's massive patent theft portfolio that continues to be exploited by the likes of IBM, Microsoft, Apple, RCA, NBC, Aegis, Oracle, AT&T, Westinghouse, Reuters, AP, Marconi, BAE, Lockheed Martin,  General Electric, etc.) from inventions like mine that leapfrog their monopolies. Inventions that they did not embrace at germination through the venture capital grifter system, they steal at maturity, then set up "cardboard cutouts" to be the public face of their treachery.

Fig. 10: Leo T. Crowley, Custodian. (Dec. 07, 1943). Patents at Work–A Statement of Policy, No. JX5313-U6A5. U.S. Alien Property Custodian, PDF p. 9. (“We shall then control over 50.000 patents.”)

Early in our attorney-client relationship, Professor Chandler, National Intellectual Property Law Institute, told me repeatedly that his professional mission was to "protect the intellectual property of the United States." Many heard him say this. He had been emphasizing the protection of inventors in the U.S. Constitution, so he knew that is what I thought he meant. Much later, after we had paid him over $500,000 in legal fees, he made the odd statement that "Mike, sometimes inventions are more important than protecting the inventor." Hindsight shows that those statements were referring to our social networking invention and his intention with David Kappos at IBM to steal it as a part of FDR's New Deal Patent Theft Portfolio that he was dedicated to protect as his life's mission.

Chandler knew that we thought he meant to include protection of our invention of social networking (since he did not disclose a conflict of interest before agreeing to be our patent attorney). Hindsight also shows that Chandler actually meant protection of FDR's massive patent theft portfolio that continues to be exploited by the likes of IBM, Microsoft, Apple, RCA, NBC, Aegis, Oracle, AT&T, Westinghouse, Reuters, AP, Marconi, BAE, Lockheed Martin, General Electric, etc.). Their grifting system relies on inventions like mine that would leapfrog their monopolistic control of our culture.

Inventions that they did not embrace at germination through their "vulture capital" idea harvesting system, they steal at maturity. Then, they have funded a plethora of "cardboard cutouts" like FDR, Sarnoff, Zuckerburg, Bezos, Cook, Grove (Intel), Schmidt, Jobs, Andreessen, Judge Stark, Chief Justice Roberts, and Irwin (SERCO) to be the public faces of their treachery, and maintain their generational monopolies. Along the way they gather corrupt politicians, bankers, lawyers, judges, propagandists, and accountants to do their bidding when called upon​—hence the need for immorality calling cards organized by the likes of Jeffrey Epstein and P. Diddy. The Babylonian ​Rādhānite merchant-banker usury system is alive and well.

The British & American governments (Pilgrims Society) steal and weaponize inventions without compensating the inventors 

Fig 11: Aq​uarius Skyclock. (Jan. 26, 2025). Fair Use experts: Aerosmith - Amazing - Stolen Patents ref. Leader Technologies, Michael McKibben. Aquarius Skyclock. (Raw *.mp4 video file).

3. RCA-NBC Media monopoly

In 1919, then U.S. Navy Deputy Secretary Franklin D. Roosevelt, a Pilgrims Society member, ordered all the existing telegraphy providers to turn over thousands of their patented technologies to a newly-forming  Radio  Corporation of America (RCA). He ordered AT&T, General Electric, Western Electric, Westinghouse, Marconi Wireless America, and the United Fruit Company (South American   telecom) to give their know-how to RCA so that the Pilgrims Society could control telecommunications, news, and mass surveillance. RCA later created NBC-TV—also government-controlled from inception (led by notorious Pilgrim David Sarnoff).

Fig. 12:  James Lawrence Fly, Chairman. (May 2, 1941). Investig​ations of Chain​ Broadcasting, 163 pgs. P. 11, PDF p. 20, Commission Order No. 37, Docket No. 5060. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 

4. Wireless Monopoly

In the 1890s, British Marconi began confiscating all the patents of Nikola Tesla and just giving them to their cardboard cutout, Guglielmo Marconi. The  British Home Office (MI5) and Admiralty (MI6) created a monopoly called Marconi Wireless that was later exported to America inside RCA, AT&T, and Westinghouse, initially, then the FBI, CIA and NSA via the ultra- secret “Five Eyes” intelligence gathering conspiracy. Even then MP, later British prime minister, David Lloyd George was caught in insider trading trying to buy stock in Marconi America in secret through the brother of one of his fellow ministers.

Fig. 13:  Company Secretary. (Apr. 7, 1906). MARCONI WIRELESS TELEGRAPH, Open Letter to Marconi Stockholders, Investors and the Public–Your Last Opportunity. Indianapolis News

5. Empire Press Union, "missionaries of Empire"

From Jun. 5-28, 1909, 650 newspapermen of the British Empire, met in London for a “Parliament of the Press” First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 conference. This conference has profoundly influenced, if not outright controlled, propaganda, publishing, education, intelligence, culture, religion, telecommunications, commerce, warfare, eugeni​cs, and banking ever since. 

Rothschild-family keynote speaker Lord Rosebery told the participants they were to be  "missionaries of Empire."

Remarkably, this event is rarely mentioned in history books. Georgetown historian Carol Quigley, the ostensible expert on Anglo-American relations,  does not mention it even once. The organizer was the British Pilgrims Society, a secret society that was the brainchild of privy counsellor Cecil Rhodes and his clutch of imperial insiders who controlled the empire.

The Conference was bankrolled by big pharma Burroughs Wellcome & Co. It hosted 650 newspapermen from the British Empire June 5-28, 1909 at White City, Shepherd’s Bush, London (the current site of BBC Television Centre). Key Outcomes: 

Fig. 14:  Thomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - THE FIRST IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of Rosebery, K.G., PDF p. 29. London: Horace Marshall & Son.

This document had effectively disappeared from global archives, for a millennia, until an uncatalogued copy was discovered in an off-site book storage warehouse of a Midwest US university library. Its companion book was readily available from the Wellcome Trust Archives in the UK.

Companion Wellcome Trust document—Henry S. Wellcome. (ca. Jun. 1909). THE EVOLUTION OF JOURNALISM ETCETERA, Souvenir of the INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE, LONDON, 1909, Hon. President Lord Burnham (Sir Edward Levy-Lawson, Baron, The Daily Telegraph), 371 pgs. Burroughs Wellcome. Transcr​ipt only

  1. Founded the Empire Press Union (to be “missionaries of Empire” Lord Rosebery- Rothschild)
  2. Recruited founding spy agents for MI6, MI5, GC&CS now GCHQ who later created the FBI, NSA, C.I.A. 
  3. Initiated “Government by Journalism” 
  4. Nurtured Russian Bolshevism thru Pilgrims agent Vladimir Lenin; then later Mao in China thru their YMCA
  5. Formed Committee of Telegraph Administrations (monopoly of telecom/lies) -- Marconi, RCA, AT&T
  6. Organized nine more conferences (into the 1960s) “these are effects that will not evaporate in two years, nor ten times two years.”
  7. The name has morphed, but the "missionaries of Empire" strategy has not. The Empire Press Union became the Commonwealth Press Union (CPU), then Commonwealth Press Union Media Trust, and now CPU Media Trust. Reuters and Associated Press take their orders from these media-spy devils who hate humanity.

The Scene of the Crimes Against Humanity

Fig. 15:  Thomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - THE FIRST IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of Rosebery, K.G. (inherited the ​Mayer Amschel de Rothschild fortune), PDF p. 29, organized by the Pilgrims Society, TheCityofLondon. London: Horace Marshall & Son. Forefront, 4th from left: MP Philip Whitwell Wilson , co-organizer of this conference, was Vladimir Lenin 's / Bolshevism's handler in London starting in 1902 at the founding of the Pilgrims Society. Wilson was a strong apologist working to undermine Christianity, a leader of YMCA's secret one-world TheCityofLondon merchant-banker agenda supporting the formation of communist Soviet Union, empowerment of communist Mao Zedong in China, and he was a longtime editor/propagandist of The New York Times.

INTERNET CENSORS IN ARE WORKING OVERTIME TO KEEP YOU FROM READING THIS PROOF OF PILIGRIMS SOCIETY TREACHERY: Once re-discovered ca. 2021, various editors rescanned this document and those scans have been readily obtainable, at least until the dubious Oct. 20, 2024 cyber attack against after which access to this document was censored and remains censored as of this note on Jan. 02, 2025. Not to worry, the citation above is to an uncensored database. Please download it and share it on multiple truth databases.

Special  Note —British treachery against the Russian Czar and Duma (Legislature): During the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, Anti-Christian Czarist British Pilgrims Society co-founder, Boer War concentration camp founder, and warmonger Viscount Alfred Milner organized a Visit of the Russian Duma [Parliament]. (Jun. 22, 1909). Visit to the British House of Commons incl. M. Jean Efremoff, Alfred Milner, M. Homiakoff, HH Asquith, Arthur Balfour, Walter Rothchild, Lord Weardale. UK Parliamentary Archives.

A month later, on Jul. 21, 1909, British Pilgrims Society co-founder and warmonger Viscount Alfred Milner organized a Luncheon for Delegates of the Imperial Ottoman Parliament. (Jun. 21, 1909). Visit to the British House of Commons. UK Parliamentary Archives. This meeting with the Ottoman (Turkish) Parliament occurred just two days following the Pilgrims Society formation of the Empire Press Union (Jul. 23, 1909), and eight days before the formation of British Intelligence agencies MI6, MI5, and GC&CS now GCHQ. (Jul. 29, 1909)

6. Internet spy backdoor

Judicial Watch discovered on Hillary Clinton’s private server that a universal encryption backdoor was embedded into all hardware, software, and firmware used in the Internet called the Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm. It is still exploited by the FBI, NSA, CIA and their “Five Eyes” MI6 handlers in the British Pilgrims Society: 

“to require that telecommunications manufacturers and service provider​s redesign their systems to facilitate wiretapping.”

On Jun. 7, 1993, a secret meeting was bankrolled by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (British Pilgrims Society) and facilitated by Clinton chief of staff John Podesta and our later patent attorney law professor James P. Chandler III. Their participants included NSA, AT&T, Verisign, DOJ, Cisco, ICANN, Dept. of State, UPenn, Georgetown, Mitre, ACLU, NPR, Wilmer Hale LLP, NIST, HP, New York Times, Qualcomm, MacWorld, Oracle, Deloitte, Apple, IBM, MIT, and Treasury Department.

Before Apr. 24, 2001, a Pilgrims Society-led group named The Highlands Group formed as "a strategic communications consulting network assisting corporations, organizations, and government in the achievement of policy objectives." Hindsight shows this was and is a fascist objective where the secret associations were not based on competitive bidding, but rather on "old boys and girls" insiders. The agency sponsor was Andrew W. Marshall, director of the Office of Net Assessment. Professor James P. Chandler III facilitated these meetings where Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. also attended. The bottom line is that this group met to consider patents and intellectual property as candidates for weaponization and warfare

Fig. 16:  James P. Chandler, John D. Podesta. (Jun. 07, 1993). Third CPSR Cryptography and Privacy Conference included Stephen Crocker, NPR, ABC, US West, Ann Harkins, Ken Mendelson, Juan Osuna, Cathy Russell, Steven Wolff, James Chandler, IBM, HP, FBI, Mitre Corp, C.I.A., NSA, FBI, ACLU, Oracle, Deloitte, Qualcomm, NIST, Wilmer LLP, George Washington University, New York Times, MIT, Washington Post, Apple, Digital, AT&T. FOIA No. 9403963. U.S. Dept. of State, U.S. Justice Department.

7. ​Obstruction of Justice & Election Rigging

Judicial Watch also discovered that Hillary had secretly contracted with Facebook for “a “template for winning elections.”  The first GSA contract on her server is dated Sep. 26, 2009 and does not appear on the public GSA ledger. 

Simultaneously, we had sued Facebook for patent infringement and were preparing for trial. For a year, Zuckerberg had been stonewalling production of his 2003 Harvard computers for evaluation by our experts from Carnegie Mellon and University of California Berkeley.

Leader won the seminal Markman Hearing even with Zuckerberg's stonewalling.

Hillary’s intention for social networking

The litigation demeanor of Facebook’s attorneys at White & Case LLP, Cooley Godward LLP, and Gibson Dunn LLP were noticeably smug. (Note that Cooley Godward had already been favored by Obama to distribute the Energy Stimulus boondoggle that included at least $465 billion to Elon Musk who also used Cooley Godward LLP.)

Now we know why: the Obama administration was hell-bent to protect Facebook and was dedicated to rigging the outcome of our patent litigation—which is a felony under 18 U.S. Code § 1505 for obstructing a proceeding. 

The Judicial Watch discovery also revealed that Hillary was secretly communicating with Sheryl Sandberg who had become chief operating officer and Zuckerburg’s handler. Despite the rigging, we still proved that Facebook is infringing our U.S. Patent 7,139, 761 on 11 of 11 claims we asserted at trial. 

The obstruction of justice in Leader v. Facebook also included the U.S. Patent Office (IBMer Director Kappos promoted his CBS TV interview to open his Facebook profile on May 14, 2010), USPTO APANET, Patent Office director IBMer David J. Kappos (dubious August 2009 Obama recess appointment), and President Barack Obama all relying on their Facebook accounts during our Leader v. Facebook trial to press their corrupt propaganda agendas for which they required out invention.

Notably, on Mar. 09, 2010 Leader had just won the seminal Markman Hearing . Then, on Jun. 07, 2010 the court shuffled Judge Leonard P. Stark into the case, literally a month before trial. The Court and Stark failed to disclose Stark's relationships to the British Pilgrims Society and Rhodes Scholarships, his political sponsor Obama's reliance on Facebook, and Hillary Clinton's private deal with Facebook for an app to win elections. Fig. 16.

Fig. 17:  U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 30, 2010). U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 30, 2010). Facebook pages to build an international community to discuss relevant issues of the day. Contact: Dmitry Shevelenko. Facebook Contract SAQMMA09M1870, Judicial Watch v. U.S. Dept. of State, Case No. F-2013-06356, Doc. No. C05516676, 04/03/2014.

The eclipse of morality & the U.S. Constitution

BREAKING NEWS: Hillary’s Jan. 04, 2025 “Medal of​ Freedom” Fraud Verified

The Presidential Medal of Freedom requires a legitimate contribution to U.S. national interests, world peace, or culture. By contrast, 

Hillary has left a scorched earth morally. Hillary shared her award with Soros-loving Irish rock singer Bono. In 2012, Bono received a British Pilgrims Society silver spoon investment of 2.3% of pre-IPO Facebook stock, 100% in media subtitling (SDI Media), and more than 40% of Forbes magazine. 

Hillary’s earlier obstruction of justice in Leader v. Facebook proves that all her activity, especially related to Facebook, has all been the fruit of a poisonous tree, and proves she does not qualify for any award except moral ​turpitude.

Bono thanks Satan for his lifetime of ill-gotten gain?

8. The Miller Act Notice

Once my shareholders and I realized that our social networking invention was confiscated by the Executive Branch, we put a demand to the President named The First Amended Miller Act Notice. 

The Miller Act addresses government confiscation of private property without fair compensation. 

The physical property corollary is eminent domain. A few scheming lawyers argue that the Miller Act does not apply to intellectual property. 

Such a notion is wrong headed. The only property right actually included in the U.S. Constitution is for patents and copyrights! The Founders knew that intellectual property was much more valuable to a booming economy than physical property. 

The Miller Act required that we deliver the notice to the executive officer of the agency that confiscated the property. In our case it was President Donald Trump at the time. We assumed that he did not know about the theft of our invention at the time, so we gave him a pass on culpability. 

The demand was hand-delivered to President Trump by senior staffers for Rep. Jim Jordan who is the representative of several of our Ohio shareholders, and with whom we had met four times on this matter.

Recently, Mr. Trump floated a Truth Social public offering without disclosing our First Amended Miller Act Notice and his reliance on our inventions. 

Fig. 18: Michael McKibben. (Apr. 25, 2019). First Amended Miller Act Notice from Leader shareholders and officers served to the White House via Rep. Jim Jordan. Photo: Leader Technologies.

Fig. 19:  FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE. (Apr. 25, 2019). Leader Technologies, Inc. to U.S. Executive pursuant to 40 U.S.C. §3131 et seq. Leader Technologies, Inc.

The value of our First Amended Miller Act Notice claim is enormous (many trillions of dollars)

We want to be a part of fixing free speech and property theft in America, so we proposed a way to get our shareholders compensated, then to turn over a large portion of the licenses owed us into a “free press pool.” Honest Elections & Free Speech

The problem with the ostensible free press today is that it is controlled by merchant-bankers in TheCityofLondon (Fleet Street) and their minions in America. Their conflict of interest is obvious and cannot be reformed. It must die from a lack of resources. We have empirically proved this in our research and Truth History disclosures. 

It is not for nothing that news is called the “mockingbird press.” We have tracked this development down historically—down to who, what, where, and when—Empire Press Union, Fleet Street, all directed by the Pilgrims Society.

9. The Free Press Fund

We have proposed that the bulk of the license fees owed us by the Executive Branch be pooled into “The Free Press Fund.” This fund would issue vouchers to each citizen that they can give to content and news creators as they see fit.

Because these funds will flow for decades, and maybe forever, depending on how well the outlets do their jobs, and how the funds are managed, a free press in America can finally emerge—for the first time free of TheCityofLondon control. 

Leader Technologies will be the steward of this Free Press Fund and the process for issuing the vouchers. The only requirement to obtain the voucher is that you be a verifiable American citizen.

The self-anointed “elites” who presently control the mainstream media would have no say in who receives the funds. This would break the back of their stranglehold on public dialogue. 

The media liars would then lose their funding since citizens will decide presumably not to fund liars with the vouchers. In addition, we will be granting funds to a select group of proven truth-tellers. 

Can any good fruit come from a ​bad tree? Can a reliable house be built on a bad foundation? 

The entire world has benefited from its uncompensated use of my social networking invention. That is a bad foundation from which to expect good results. 

What we see instead is interminable bickering, hearings, and grandstanding on who needs to regulate the social networking providers—who are all thieves of my invention!

Fig. 20: Put your use of social networking on a proper moral footing.

Their maddening behavior is like demanding that a car thief wash and wax the car regularly, rather than give the car back to the rightful owner! 

Public social discourse is condemned by immoral foundations until social networking users worldwide obtain a legal license 

Public social discourse will be condemned to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic until we fix the underlying moral decrepitude of social networking intellectual property theft.

In our Miller Act Notice we have proposed a licensing solution for the entire planet. 

We have proposed to issue a worldwide license for the U.S. Executive Branch to issue a blanket license for all users of social networking worldwide. 

This gets everyone properly licensed and legal for the first time. (New users of our new product MySQIF™ Privacy App™ get the first-ever legal licenses to social networking.) See 

President Trump, back in office, can pick up his pen and pay our Miller Act Notice on Day One.

* * *


Pilgrims Society: A secret society, founded on Jul. 16, 1902 in TheCityofLondon by a clique of British and American peers, generals, merchants, bankers, spies, militarists, colonialists, propagandists, newspapermen, politicians, robber barons, all self-anointed elites who conspire to promote a new English-speaking, Imperial, corporatist new world order where America is annexed back into the British Empire. For public consumption, the Pilgrims say they are organized “to promote good-will, good-fellowship, and everlasting peace between the United States and Great Britain.” They also bang the “special relationship” drum endlessly despite the disclosure in 2010 that on Mar. 05, 1946 the British Pilgrims Society via MI6 took over the control of America’s intelligence agencies including the FBI, NSA, C.I.A., and DIA.   

See also  AFI. (Jun. 24, 2024). The Annexation of America by the British Pilgrims Society is almost complete. Americans for Innovation.

AFI. (Sep. 20, 2024). Part I: Meet British Pilgrims Society President Air Marshal Baron Jock Stirrup - The Real President of the United States (and Israel). Americans for Innovation.

GPO-CRECB, 1940, Pts. I-IX, Vol. 86-1. (Aug. 06, 1940). Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife, by Hon. Dr. Lt. Commander Jacob Thorkelson (MT, 1st), p.11. U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO).

Fig. 21:  Anne Pimlott Baker. (2002). The Pilgrims of Great Britain: A Centennial History. London: Profile Books. 

Fig. 22: Anne Pimlott Baker. (2003). The Pilgrims of the United States: A Centennial History. London: Profile Books. 

The City of London: Approximately one square mile in the center of London, UK. Founded by royal charter in 1067 A.D. by William the Conqueror. Also called “The City” it is the financial, news-media, legal, commercial center of the British Empire. It is separately governed by a Lord Mayor, High Sheriff, Guilds, Aldermen, Common Council, Clerk. Since inception, membership has been restricted to men and their male heirs. TheCityofLondon is not the same as Greater London that has a separate mayor and city government.

The motto "Domine Dirige Nos" means "Lord Guide Us." The question is whose lord? Evidently the lord of the "sinister" dragons (Satan). Note how St. George's sword that slays the dragon is shelved.

The Miller Act:   The Fifth Amendment Takings Clause to the U.S. Constitution reads as follows: "Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." It also includes situations in which the government permanently deprives a private owner of possession of his asset or gives his asset (or the right to permanently possess the asset) to someone else. The phrase “just compensation” means that the owner of the property shall receive at a minimum the fair market value of the property in its best alternative use. It requires that the damaged party put the demand to the executive of the agency that caused the taking by the government. In Leader Technologies case, that executive is the chief of the Executive Branch, the president of the United States. 

Unscrupulous lawyers argue that the Miller Act principle of just compensation does not apply to intellectual property, even when the government confiscated the property as a public work, which is exactly what happened with the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention as a surveillance and population control infrastructure. See Title USC 40, Chapter 642, Sedc. 1-3, 49 stat. 793, 794.

The First Revised Miller Act Notice:  The demand put to the Executive Branch to compensate inventor  Leader Technologies  for its confiscation of their social networking invention property pursuant to the Miller Act. This demand includes the terms for the amount of funds to be paid out for damages and royalties. A portion of these funds will be dedicated to fund The Free Press Fund. 

The Free Press Fund: The commitment made by the principal shareholder of Leader Technologies to apply a significant portion of the payout of the First Revised Miller Act Notice into a fund that will make working capital available to news outlets so that they will no longer be controlled by the Pilgrims Society in TheCityofLondon. The fund will likely distribute to a combination of citizen vouchers and a selection of several dozen outlets that have already proven themselves dedicated to truth and free speech.

Fig. 23:  On Day One, President Trump can write the check on the Leader Technologies First Revised Miller Act Notice to protect a true American inventor - Leader Technologies - and simultaneously fund the first free press fund in American history.

The Silk Road:  An ancient and lucrative trade route and trading posts linking China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe that carried silk, goods, slaves, china, textiles, perfumes, luxury goods, precious stones and metals, leather, spices, tools, artworks, medicines, gunpowder, fireworks, swords, firearms, and ideas between China and Europe.

Fig. 24: Map of Eurasia showing the trade network of the Radhanites (in blue), c. 870 AD, as reported in the account of Ibn Khordadbeh in the  Book of Roads and Kingdoms ; other trade routes of the period are shown in purple. Wikipedia.

Khazaria: A nomadic, pagan Turkic people that covered a large geography north of the Black Sea and had an empire that equaled the Byzantine and Russian empires. Between 8th and 10th centuries they cooperated with the Babylonian Rādhānites merchant-bankers to claim that they were Jewish while they opened a “northern route” for the Silk Road across Khazaria to northern Europe for the Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-bankers.

Sogdia: Was an ancient Iranian civilization along a large swath of the Silk Road now covering Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan. Babylonian ​Rādhānite merchant-bankers controlled the banking and trade along the Silk Road, including intermarrying with citizens of the various empires along these trade routes. The Rādhānites claimed to be "Jewish" yet had no blood connection to Hebrews. They did so because the empires along the Silk Road trusted Jews (people of the book) more than each other for banking.

Babylon: An ancient city in Mesopotamia, the capital of Babylonia in the 2nd millennium before Christ. The city was on the banks of the Euphrates River and was noted for its luxury, its fortifications, and, particularly, for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The ancient Silk Road settled its banking and contracts in a southeastern area of Babylon named Rādhān. Its inhabitants were named Rādhānites who claimed to be Jewish but who were not semitic, but were related to the pagan bloodlines of the Silk Road. The Rādhānites invented the Talmud and Yiddish to ply their merchant-banker control of the Silk Road trade route. The Prophet Ezekiel ca. 600 B.C. decried Babylon’s enforcement of debt slavery via usury. 

The Christian Apostles called these merchant-bankers “not Jewish” as claimed, and “of the synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2:9, 3:9), and the "Whore of Babylon." Rev. 17. Smyrna, Turkey, was a well known sea port used for Silk Road trades since Hammurabi's time. Even J.P. Morgan Chase's CEO family hails from the ​Rādhānite merchant-bankers of Smyrna. The Boston Brahmins maintained their main opium trading office outside of the United States in Smyrna from which they helped launch the British East India Company's two Opium Wars against China after the Chinese emperor demanded that the British stop pushing opium addiction on the citizenry. Indeed, Smyrna has been Mammon's lair for millennia.  

Usury:  The illegal action or practice of lending money with interest: "the ancient prohibition on usury as debt slavery."  

The Domesday Book: The formal survey of English holdings, labor, and dues owed to William the Conqueror completed in 1086 A.D. It identified the “Radknights” or “Riding Knights” that did the business of the realm including tax collection, accounting, minting money, banking, administration, law enforcement, trade, and commerce. This inventory is still in use today to identify property and deeds. It is believed that the Radknights were pagan Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-bankers pretending to be Jewish who had been managing the Silk Road merchant-banking routes between England and Europe to China.

Fig. 26:  Domesday Book, the Middle English spelling of "Doomsday Book" is a manuscript record of the Great Survey of much of England and parts of Wales completed in 1086 at the behest of King William the Conqueror. The manuscript was originally known by the Latin name Liber de Wintonia, meaning "Book of Winchester", where it was originally kept in the royal treasury. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle states that in 1085 the king sent his agents to survey every shire in England, to list his holdings and dues owed to him. Wikipedia

Code of Hammurabi: A Babylonian legal text composed during 1755-1750 B.C. IT is the longest, best-organized, and best-preserved legal text from Babylon. The Code made usury the law of the land in a major empire for the first time.   

Law No. 100: “. . . interest for the money, as much as he has received, he shall give a note therefor, and on the day, when they settle, pay to the merchant.”

Rādhānites or Radknights: Arab historian, postmaster, geographer, spy Ibn Khordadbeh  (Arabic: ابوالقاسم عبیدالله ابن خرداذبه; 820/825–913) wrote in about 870 A.D. in his the Book of Roads and Kingdoms about the merchant-bankers living in the wealthy Babylon-Baghdad suburb of Rādhān where Silk Road banking and trades were settled. He identified them as Jews, but subsequent DNA studies show them to be Turkic, Persian, Khazarian, Sogdian, and Chinese with a genetic deformity of an aquiline nose as identified in ancient Chinese art. The Rādhānite merchant-bankers disappeared almost overnight just as the “Ashkenazi” moniker emerged in the 11th century as a dubious Semitic moniker.

See AFI. (Dec. 07, 2022). Worldwide Banking Usury - The Worship of Babylonian Mammon - is the base sin that humanity can overcome by the Year of Jubilee. Americans for Innovation.

See also  AFI. (Apr. 19, 2023). The City of London Babylonian Merchant-Bank-Demon Hoax Of All Time. Americans for Innovation.

Fig. 27: Intoxicated Barbarian King. 8th-century Chinese and Japanese art depicting a banker-merchant with an aquiline nose DNA deformity working along the Silk Road, including the Sogdians, coming from Central Asia and Iran (Persia). Smithsonian.

Demons:  When lies become public laws and policy, evil spirits possess them, their human purveyors, and their outcomes.  In the Holy Scriptures, evil spirits have numerous names, including:

DEMONS (mentioned 82x), 
SATAN (42 times), EVIL (430x), 
SERPENT (22 times), 
DRAGON (14 times), 
BEAST (87 times), 
MAMMON (1times), 
MOLOCH (2 times), 
BA’AL (121 times), 
BEELZEBUB (1 times), and 
ANTICHRIST (4 times). 

When a demon is confronted by the righteous, he must obey. (“Get behind me Satan.” Matthew 16:23.)

Fig. 28​: Healing the Gerasene Demoniac. Ukrainian Orthodox Church of America. See Luke 8:26-39 .

Solomon's Gold:  Gold delivered to King Solomon 800 tons over 36 years (666 talents per year) from the Mines of Ophir (The DeBeers Group today). Eventually, Solomon forsook God and built temples to the demon-gods of his 700 wives and 300 concubines. A talent weighed about 75 pounds or 35 kilograms. The spot price of one ounce of gold today (Dec. 10, 2024) is $2,694.  See  I Kings 11: 8-10

See also  AFI .   ( J an.   07, 2023 ) . King Solomon's lust for the 666 gold of Ophir has subjected humanity to 4000 years of war with the Seven Deadly Sins.  Americans for Innovation .

Ahriman: Zoroastrian destructive/evil spirit Identified by genius polymath Christian Rudolf Steiner (1861-1926)  as a materialistic, soul-hardening fallen evil spirit who pulls humanity away from God by occupying the world of digital technology and tempting humanity to believe that the human creativity used to create technologies is not a gift of God, but rather the fruit of Satan.

Fig. 29: “Ahriman” – sculpted by Rudolf Steiner in 1912. Source:  Anthroposophical Society,  Dornach, Switzerland. Below pictures Cecil Rhodes, spiritual founder of the Pilgrims Society, morphing into Ahriman, and Nikola Tesla near-death, inventor of many wireless, early computer, and electromagnetic technologies exploited today by TheCityofLondon to control world populations and eugenics.

Chattel:  Personal possession. A piece of personal property, including something that can be moved, or intellectual property rights such as copyrights and patents. 

Slavery:   The practice or institution of holding people as chattel involuntarily and under threat of violence.

Debt Slavery: Interest-bearing debt (usury) that binds a borrower to a third party lender who assumes some level of control over the debtor’s life and freedom of movement.

Intellectual Property:  Intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect. Such creations embodied in patents and copyrights are the only two forms of property specifically protected by the U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section  8, Clause 8.

Egibi and Murašû Babylonian Merchant-Banking Dynasties: The Egibis and Murašûs were called “Babylonian Rothschilds” by historians, but they were an imposter Jewish banking family that controlled the business and commerce of Babylon for hundreds of years dated from ca. 606–484 BC. 

The Egibis and others families like the Murašûs discovered that the empires along the Silk Road preferred doing business with “people of the book” rather than their pagan neighbors that they did not trust. Therefore, the Babylonians coopted Judaism to do their Silk Road merchant-banking. Eventually they fabricated the pro-usury Talmud and Yiddish to legitimize their imposter Judaism practiced in direct contravention of the preaching of the Prophets, who, according to the Christian Nicene Creed (381 AD), is the voice of the Holy Spirit ("who spoke by the prophets").

This very Egibis Babylonian R​ādh​ānite slave contract (Fig. 27) was written ca. 6th century BC​—at the same time that the Prophets (the voices of God's Holy Spirit) were descrying the "abomination" of usury. They were Jonah, Joel, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Jeremiah, Daniel, Obadiah, Ezekiel, Haggai, Zechariah, and  Malachi.

Fig. 30: The "Jewish" Houses of Egibis and Murašûs trafficked in slaves. Displayed above is a cuneiform tablet: agreement regarding disposition of slaves, Egibi archive ca. 540 BC. This contract is part of 1,700 tables of The House of Egibi Bankers from Babylon. Source: The Met. See also AFI. (Apr. 19, 2023). The City of London Babylonian Merchant-Banker-Demon Hoax of all Time. Americans for Innovation.

Five Eyes: A devilish merchant-banker conspiracy of British and American spies (news and intelligence) that was hatched on June 05, 1946 by the British Pilgrims Society in meetings in London named “British-U.S. Intelligence Agreement.” “(a) It will be contrary to this agreement to reveal its existence to any third party whatsoever.” (First made public on Apr. 08, 2010). The agreement was spearheaded by the British Pilgrims Society leaders through MI6 with the U.S. Army Security Agency and the FBI following behind. Five Eyes then led the formation of the NSA and C.I.A. It agreed that most all American intelligence going forward would be shared with British MI6 and their Commonwealth minions in Canada, New Zealand, Australia. Israeli Mossad eventually came under the wing of MI6 and these interlocked spies defined the “special relationship” and kept it secret until 2010.  

Fig. 31:  TOP SECRET (Mar. 05, 1946). BRITISH-U.S. COMMUNICATION INTELLIGENCE AGREEMENT, NSA DocID 3678942, Ser. XILH, Box 47, TSC release approved Apr. 08, 2010, Executive Order 12958 et seq. NSA. 

" Special Relationship": On Mar. 05, 1946 British prime minister Winston Churchill delivered a speech in Fulton, Missouri coining the phrase “Special Relationship” for the first time. However he lied by failing to mention the secret " Five Eyes” spy agreement  that was the focal point of the relationship. Therefore, a demon entered British, American, and world culture through this lie. See definition of demon herein.

F ig. 32: Winston Churchill. (Mar. 05, 1946). Special Relation​ship Anniversary 1946-2016. US Embassy, Londo​n.

Fig. 33:  Major General Sir Stewart G. Menzies, chairman. (Mar. 11, 1946). Minutes of the Inaugural Meeting of U.S. - British Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, DOCID 2959299 REFID A2666693, National Archive Ref. HW-80-5. NSA.

Note how most of the British participants in the formation of "Five Eyes" are redacted still, in 2010 when this document was declassified in the UK and US. We believe this is because their names and bloodline families are still well known and will show how America was seized by the Pilgrims Society at that time, and how these people directed the FBI and the formation of the NSA and C.I.A. from TheCityofLondon, not to mention how they control the global mockingbird press propaganda media via the Empire Press Union (CPU Media Trust), Reuters, Associated Press, BBC, NBC, Daily Mail, Daily Telegraph, New York Times , and Washington Post, among others.

See AFI. (Oct. 24, 2019). The 200-year Information War. Americans for Innovation.

Annexation of America: At the turn of the last century British Privy Counsellor Cecil Rhodes advised Queen Victoria to reorganize the Empire into an imperial federation of corporations financed and controlled by the pagan Babylonian Radknight merchant-bankers of The City of London. 

Their first experiment with this new model was the British South Africa Company chartered by Queen Victoria on Dec. 19, 1889. They referred to it as "The Company"—the later moniker of the U.S. C.I.A. Rhodes insisted that this monopoly would not work unless America was annexed back into the British Empire. The British Pilgrims Society was formed by Rhodes' disciples on Jul. 16, 1902 to make this annexation strategy happen. 

Rhodes insisted that the Pilgrims be a secret society that used Jesuit tactics of domination by stealth and subterfuge. He told his disciples that he though it would take 200 years for his new imperial British corporate empire to be perfected. He founded the Rhodes Scholarship to recruit Americans to this scheme.

The scrappy American suffragette and journalist Lillian Scott Troy (pictured below) discovered this British Pilgrims Society strategy and published their 24-point plan in 1912 to annex America. She dubbed the Pilgrims Society "The Benedict Arnold Society."

Fig. 34:  AFI. (Jul. 22, 2022). Lillian Scott Troy (1882-1964): An Unsung Heroine of the American Republic. Americans for Innovation.

Fig. 35:  Editor. (May 13,1913). Would Annex America [says Lillian Scott Troy], p. 20. The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee).