British PM Keir Starmer is a Pilgrims Society lapdog

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS | OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | OCT. 28, 2024, UPDATED DEC. 03, 2024 | PDF | | All intellectual property used is for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. No warranties are made or implied.

Current British prime minister Sir Keir Rodney Starmer KCB KC has not a single bit of real work experience that qualifies him to be dog catcher. 

He was groomed by The City of London’s Inns of Court that has controlled the American Inns of Court since 1902 when the Pilgrims Society was spawned to pursue an imperial British new world order with re-annexed America in tow. 

His wife Lady Victoria Starmer hates him, it appears.​ 

Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions  (DPP) for the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for five (5) years (2008-2013). He was so useless at his job that he failed to prosecute notorious pedophile-necrophile Sir Jimmy Saville—a close friend of King Charles. Reasonable speculation abounds that Saville was providing fetal tissue and harvested organs to Big Pharma through his children's hospital "charities," in addition to pleasuring himself with fresh cadavers.

Bookmark: #nebenzya |

Russian UN Ambassador Nebenzya says the UK is a warmongering hypocrite

Russian Federation UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya told the United Nations four days ago that the United Kingdom is a warmonger historically and has no moral right to lecture other nations. 

The UK has started a war every two years since 1700 A.D.

 Why does America have a "special relationship" with such a demon?

Fig. 1: Vasily Nebenzya. (Nov. 23, 2024). VIDEO: Russian Federation UN ambassador [Vasily Nebenzya] slams the United Kingdom for escalating the war in Ukraine. BRICS News. Source:

British-driven wars since 1700 A.d.

Fig. 2: Editors. (Nov. 27, 2024). The Great Ukrainian PR Scam with Pilgrims Society, TheCityofLondon Forward. RT Documentary.


Starmer left CPS in Nov. 2013 and was replaced by Alison Saunders. One month later he was knighted KCB. On Jul. 19, 2017 he was sworn to the Privy Council

On Jun. 5, 2016, Saunders dined secretly with Bruce and Nellie Ohr, the Department of Justice’s and Senior Executive Service’s (SES) lawyers and paymasters at the Ohr’s home in McClean, Virginia.​ 

This CPS Saunder-Ohrs dinner was just four days before the infamous Crossfire Hurricane Trump Tower meeting that shifted the DNC Trump-Russia Hoax into high gear.

Privy Counsellor Baron Robertson was president of the Pilgrims Society during Starmer’s stint as DPP. 

Current Pilgrims president Air Marshal Baron Jock Stirrup , keeper of the King’s Sword of State oversaw Crossfire Hurricane and the attempt to discredit Donald Trump with lies.

Starmer’s unremarkable background is only interrupted by a four-year stint at Oxford University, St. Edmunds Hall—one of the notorious grooming schools for the British Pilgrims Society. To complete his grooming the Pilgrims chained him with honorary law degrees from the universities of Essex, Leeds, East London, London School of Economics (communist), Reading, and Worcester. And yet, Starmer has produced a paltry list of published works to justify such honors.

Remarkable lawyer or Pilgrims Society groom? You decide.

British PM Keir Starmer sends 100 political ​saboteurs to America to shill for ineligible kamala

Kamala is not legally qualified to hold the office of president

On Oct.23, 2024, Starmer announced he was sending over 100 members of the BRITISH Labour Party to campaign for AMERICAN (?) Kamala Harris for President. This is evident foreign election interference by the British prime minister Stermer. Kamala’s father is Jamaican with a British passport. There is no evidence that Kamala ever became a naturalized American citizen. Given that neither parent was a natural-born-citizen of America, Kamala is not qualified to hold the office of President of the United States.

How does Starmer's wife STAY lady like in the midst of such tyranny? 


Contributing Author’s Note: The latest trove of Pilgrims documents uncovered now PROVES numerous aspects of Pilgrims Society history and principals that we have long suspected due to their interlocked associations, but could not prove directly. Now we can. Hold on to your hats, grab the kids, hide your wallet and defeat these devils. Deep State = Pilgrims Society.

See latest Pilgrims Newsletter highlighting Pilgrims President Baron Jock Stirrup welcoming Jane Hartley Biden-appointed new Ambassador to the Court of St. James on Sep. 07, 2022. Editor. (Apr. 01, 2023). THE PILGRIMS NEWSLETTER, Vol. 29, No. 01, Spring-Summer 2023. Pilgrims Society.

L/R: Pilgrims Society dinner, Sep. 07, 2022. Pilgrims Executive Secretary Amy Thompson; Lord Mayor and Sheriff of London Pilgrim Sir Vincent Keaveny; US Ambassador Jane Hartley; Pilgrims Society President Baron Jock Stirrup (Hartley's real boss). Click here for a full ZIPPED photo gallery of this event (661.42 MB). Check your Downloads folder if you do not pick a folder before downloading.

* ever since the Babylonian Radknight Burla rabbis accepted Rothschild-Montefiore money to fund Mishkenot Sha’ananim, the first Jewish settlement built outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem (1860). The deal in Palestine was simple: money in exchange for economic control.

The Pilgrims Society smoothers NetAnyahu with military orders 

Below: Current ​U.S. Ambassador Jane Hartley since 2022, hosted by President Baron Jock Stirrup at the Pilgrims Society dinner in her honor - her real boss

Baron ​Jock Stirrup, Pilgrims President with 
Jane Hartley, Biden U.S. Ambassador to UK
Pilgrims Society dinner, London
Sep. 07, 2022

The inner workings, names, and faces of the “deep state” are finally emerging. The scope of the treachery must be disclosed in parts. rETURN TO afi SHORTLY FOR MORE.

At the top of the demonic merchant-banker control grid of Babylonian Radknights is the Pilgrims Society. They have had control over both the US and UK governments since 1902 when they formed in London.

Anne Pimlott Baker. (2002). The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A Centennial History. Profile Books (London).

Anne Pimlott Baker. (2003). The Pilgrims of the United States; A Centennial History. Profile Books (London).

The Pilgrims Society’s mission has been to reform the British Empire into a global TheCityofLondon[1] bank-controlled imperial federation and to annex America in the process. These ideas were the brainchild of Privy Counsellor Cecil Rhodes, Prime Minister of Cape Colony (British South Africa Company), who wrote that the plan would take 200 years to accomplish. Rhodes also wrote that this plan would not work unless America was subdued.  They are 122 years into this plan.

[1] TheCityof London is not the same thing as Greater London. It is a one square mile area along the Thames River that was chartered to Babylonian "Radknight" merchant bankers in 1067 A.D. just after England was conquered by William the Conqueror of France in 1066 A.D. The banking and trade of the empire was to be transacted in this independent geography with its own sheriff, council, laws, courts, aldermen, and mayor, to this day. Paternal membership was restricted from father to son. The modern British peerage system and knighthoods emerged from TheCityofLondon. Its religion is the Babylonian R​ādhānite worship of Mammon and usury, pretending to be Christian.

The Pilgrims Society has insulated itself legally, fiscally and morally inside the protective caccoon of the British monarchy. This protects them from their crimes while enriching them and their cronies. When you hear that the monarchy is irrelevant, think the opposite. That is just propaganda to protect the monarchy from the light of truth. 

Below the Pilgrims Society are a plethora of organizations formed to recruit underlings to serve their mission. Each of these organizations is peppered with Pilgrims Society overseers who are bankrolled by TheCityofLondon: Bilderberg Group, Aspen Institute, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Chatham House, Club of Rome, World Economic Forum (WEF), American Academy of Achievement, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, Senior Executive Service (SES), SERCO Group, QinetiQ Group, Lockheed Martin, BAE, Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE), Reuters, Associate Press, Carlyle Group, U.S. Patent Office, Democratic Party, Republican Party, DARPA, U.S. Justice and Courts, U.S. Department of State, CIA, FBI, NSA, NRO, DIA, and U.S. Department of Defense.  

In 2009, Pilgrim Society future president Sir Jock Stirrup, Chief of the Defence Staff [sic], excused the death of a soldier to lack of Royal Army equipment while his Carlyle Group-DC-funded  Anglo-American company QinetiQ—controlled by the Queen—was given the contract in 2008 to track all US Army equipment worldwide.[2] 

[2] Listen to a warmonger excusing a death his Pilgrims Society decisions caused.

Marshal of the Royal Air Force Graham Eric Stirrup, Baron Stirrup, KG, GCB, AFC, FRAeS, FCMI is the current president of the British Pilgrims Society who oversees their “branch” in New York 

Who is the "Deep State" or shadow government

Those with a quick respo​nse usually rattle off dozens of theories from the Illuminati, the Vatican, CIA, Rothschilds, Morgans, Warburgs, Carnegies, Rockefellers, "The Khazarian Mafia," Fabians, The Round Table, Milner's Kindergarten, "The Inquiry," "The Jews," "The Russians," "The Chinese," "The Council of 300," Chatham House, and Masons to Bilderberg Group, Atlantic Council, George Soros, Open Society Foundation, United Nations, Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bank for International Settlements, and Bohemian Grove.

America’s presidents since 1902 have followed the orders of the British Pilgrims Society presidents whose aim has been to ANNEX AMERICA. The table below shows these Pilgrims presidents in reverse order starting with the current Pilgrims Society president Air Marshal Baron Jock Stirrup listed first. 

How is it possible that we do not know this? 

Who in America elected these warmongering subversives from the   British Pilgrims Society?  

Just 15 British Pilgrim Society Privy Consellor Peers have run America since 1902 to now

17 run their executive committee now

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24

What good is this man to America? 
We fought a Revolution to free ourselves of such power hungry men

(Current) Pilgrims Society President Baron Jock Stirrup holds the Sword of State at the King's speech to Parliament Nov. 07, 2023. Is there any question who Stirrup works for?


Fig. 1 - TheCityofLondon is controlled by the British ​Pilgrims Society, formed in 1902, is the lair of a gaggle of global demons who use banks, military, and propaganda to subdue humanity.

Twelve Points  to defeat the Pilgrims Society's demonic grip on America & the world: 

[ Note: Georgetown historian Carol Quigley does not write about this history at all, see below.

After the Pilgrims Society was organized in London in  1902 , they  developed a   24-point strategy to "Annex America"   into their secretive plan for a one-world imperial government controlled by TheCityofLondon banks, merchants, navy, and newspapers.  In 1908 , Lillian Scott Troy,  an American journalist, discovered their plan. She was initially asked not to publish it by Pilgrim W.T. Stead ("The father of tabloid journalism" and author of "Government by Journalism") who was directing the planning for the First Imperial  Press Conference,  1909  that empowered the Babylonian Rādhānite demon of Mammon to torment our lives to this day. Lillian was in London to cover the conference and did not publish it then, but she doggedly exposed key Pilgrims including Andrew Carnegie, JP Morgan, and Elihu Root, calling them the "Benedict Arnold Society" in newspapers. On Feb. 17,  1912  Lillian published the Pilgrims' strategy in San Francisco. Two months later W.T. Stead, who Lillian had convinced that the plan was foolhardy, perished on the Titanic. At the same time, Pilgrim co-founder J.P. Morgan (the owner of the Titanic and its twin, the Olympic) was busy purchasing editorial control of all major U.S. newspapers for the Pilgrims. Indeed, the Pilgrims have always been sinister megalomaniacs.

America's 12-point strategy to throw off the Pilgrims Society's 24-point plan: 

1. Outlaw the seditious "special relationship" of surveillance and population control called "Five Eyes."

2. Banish, or heavily tariff, TheCityofLondon banks from all financial activity in America, most especially the Federal Reserve Bank, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), NYSE, NASDAQ, Cede & Co, DTCC, Chicago Board of Trade, World Bank, IMF, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),  ban derivatives, bank stock and corporate holdings, ban Reuters (Rothschild, Barings, Warburgs, Barclays, NatWest, Coutts, and their ilk) from ownership in US exchanges, ban KYC ("Know Your Customer" that is managed offshore), delink NYSE and FTSE.

3. Banish, or severely restrict, all British media (Pilgrims) propaganda, esp. Pilgrims-controlled Reuters, Associated Press, The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, The Financial Times, The Economist (Rothschilds), The Guardian,  The Observer, The Daily Mirror, The Sun, The Spectator, Sunday Mirror, Metro, Evening StandardDaily Express, ITV, BBC, DSMA Committee in American life and culture, esp. TV, movies, publishing, news, and advertising—all offspring of the Pilgrims' First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 where modern mind control, propaganda, "'creating' public opinion,"  false flags, biotech warfare, and surveillance grew horns.

4. Being a lawyer is a privilege, not a right; prohibit American lawyers  from having actual or honorary titles of nobility (13th Amendment—no "Esquire" titles); prevent lawyers from being judges, being law makers, holding political office, being lobbyists, or being members of the Inns of Court, Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Temple Bar, King's Court, or conspiring in bar associations—all hidden agenda caldrons against We The People; discipline attorneys and judges only with rotating lay citizens; almost half of Congress are lawyers (of the Crown) who do little but stir up controversy and charge outrageous fees that only fellow conspirators against America can afford; disconnect all their interlocking relationships.

5. Prohibit family, faith, human, country-destroying promotion of eugenics, abortion (Babylonian child sacrifice), assisted suicide and LGBTQIA2S+ curricula in education, media, public health, and government.

6. Bar participation of British citizens in U.S. government, public corporations, public contracts, and NGOs, e.g., Fiona Hill.

7. Cancel dual American-British citizenship (allegiance cannot be both ways).

8. Ban SERCO Group Plc (UK) and its subsidiaries and its interlocked conspirators from processing patent applications at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

9. Close the American operations of SERCO (UK) and interlocked relationships, QinetiQ (UK) and interlocked relationships, Lockheed Martin, BAE, Strategic Communication Laboratory and interlocked relationships, Crown Agents, Royal Over-Seas League, Prince's Trust, King's Trust, English-Speaking Society, Pilgrims Society, American Academy of Achievement, Rhodes Scholarship (recruitment of Americans), Schwarzman Scholarship (recruitment of Chinese), bar all entities controlled by the British Monarch's preferred "golden share."

10. Close the Senior Executive Service (SES) and disperse government agencies away from Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, LA, San Francisco, Austin, and the left and right coasts; implement substantive competitive bidding and abolish interlocked cronyism in public contracts.

11. Shut down TheCityofLondon-funded biotechwarfare research, especially Wellcome Trust, The Pirbright Institute, Rothschild Asset Management, Pfizer, AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, BioNtech,  46 U.S.-funded L4 labs in Ukraine, DEFRA, UKRI, Ft. Detrick, Merial-Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, and their ilk.

12. Cease all TheCityofLondon-funded wars immediately (all wars); these wars are merely excuses to hide crashes of fiat currency usury, seize property, seize human creativity, and maintain demonic bloodlines.

The 12-point list above are the virtues needed to counter the vice-outcomes of the 24-point Pilgrims Society plan. America and humanity must make a conscious, concerted effort to reverse the Pilgrims' vices with the Christian virtues of faith, hope, and love in our lives, communities, governments, a​nd nations. 

With the help of God we will achieve this virtuous higher ground. Satan, get behind us.

"Would Ānnex ĀmericĀ."

Figure—Editor.  (May 13, 1913) . Would Annex America [says Lillian Scott Troy], p. 20. The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee). See also AFI. (Jul. 22, 2022). Lillian Scott Troy (1882-1964): An unsung heroine of the American Republic. Americans for Innovation.

Note: Columbia University president Nicholas Murray Butler served as president of the Pilgrims Society of the United States "branch" from 1903-1945. He oversaw the organizing of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, oversaw the recruitment of Franklin D. Roosevelt David Sarnoff (RCA, NBC), J. Edgar Hoover (FBI) , Anglican Bishop Henry C. Potter into the Pilgrims Society.

Elihu Root was co-founder of the Pilgrims Society (1902); former U.S. Secretary of War (1899-1904); U.S. Secretary of State (1905-1909); NY U.S. Senator (1909-1913); founding president, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1910); Nobel Prize (1912); founder, Council on Foreign Relations (1918). He was also personal attorney to J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie.

John Hay was U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James where he promoted annexation of America by Britain. He once described (banker) war "as necessary as it is righteous" and described another war as "a splendid little war"--he was a Pilgrims Society merchant-banker warlord par excellence.

American heroine lillian scott troy

Figure Editor. (May 13,1913). . Would Annex America [says Lillian Scott Troy], p. 20. The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee).

. . . "[T]he idea of the arbitration treaties was not Taft’s, but that of [Andrew] Carnegie and King Edward [VII] who sent it to America to be labeled “Made in the U.S.A.;” The Hague tribunal is essentially a British product, instituted simply for the ultimate undoing of the United States, and that Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, and others are rewriting American history to disparage the heroes of the Revolution." (Emphases added.)

Who was American  Nicholas Murray Butler? Click this link to read his full Pilgrims Society-Columbia University biography. Click here for a PDF.

* * *

The British Pilgrims Society through The City of London and the Babylonian Rādhānite (Radknightsmerchant-banker pagans who control the British Crown.

Their flunkies doing their bidding in the USA during the American Revolution was British Spy No. 7 Alexander Hamilton’s American banks, notably JPMorgan, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street along with asset managers like BlackRock, Fidelity, T. Rowe Price and Vanguard, who are controlled by the British Crown  and the Rothschilds in the City of London via the Monarch’s “Golden Share.”

Don’t believe that the British run America? Just look at the false flag they are trying to orchestrate in Poland right now. Poland is historically one of the favorite choke points of the British Empire to try and take down Russia to seize control of Russia’s 11 times zones of resources, again. When will we learn?

FigureThe City of London is controlled by the Pilgrims Society who carry on the pagan control of the Rādhānite merchant-bankers of Babylon. “The City of London Co​rporation” was chartered in 1067 by Radknights after the coronation of Norman (French) William I, William the Conqueror, on Dec. 25, 1066 AD at Westminster Abbey.

Described above is abject immorality on the part of the British Pilgrims Society and their Babylonian Rādhānite synagogue of demons.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice |

Click image to open PDF of this and the next slide
How Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice check will help create true Free Speech in our American Republic
Figure—The First Amended Miller Act Notice. Click here to download the PDF (check your Downloads folder after clicking). See also, Complaint against Judge Leonard P. Stark's fraud against his own court in Leader v. Facebook and 2,400 other patent cases.
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

bookmark: #cost-of-merchant-banker-wars |
Click this image to play video.
Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023). The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment Center.
Figure— Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023). The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment Center. Source: YouTube. (Raw *.mp4 video file).