Contributing Writers | Opinion | Americans for Innovation | Oct. 04, 2023, Updated Oct. 09, 2023 | PDF |
Senator Dianne Feinstein was only 24-hours dead when the mockingbird
British Pilgrims Society imperial press announced,
well-prepared unison, that Laphonza Butler was selected by California Governor Gavin Newsom (read: J. Paul Getty, Sutton Place (UK), Surrey Trust Fund Pilgrims Society stooge also).
The mockingbird press backgrounder on Laphonza, like the BBC's, is pitifully researched. One uniform exception is
their mockingbird trumpeting of her !!! LGBTQ+ !!! values. At least that much of Laphonza’s priorities they
got right in their propaganda-parading-as-news.
They are all on the Laphonza Express: BBC, Daily Mail, London Times, Daily Telegraph, Guardian, Financial
Times, AP, Reuters, UPI, Time, Newsweek, Yahoo! News, NBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, CNN,
NYT, WaPo, NPR, Bloomberg, Fortune, LA Times, SF Chronicle, Baltimore Sun,
yada, yada, yada.
Indeed, the British and American mockingbird press was all
teed up with Laphonza’s golf ball of lies and misdirection in just 24 hours. That only happens if it is coordinated by the global newspaper propagandists of the Pilgrims Society in The City of London.
As other investigators have already highlighted, 44-year old Laphonza
checks many of the Alinsky-left boxes: gay, black, abortionist, radical
feminist (as a lesbian?), Planned Parenthood, depopulation euthanasia, greenism,
climatism, wokeism, unionism, DNC mega donor of union funds (over $70 million).
UPDATE: This is the same British-controlled global mockingbird media that is now being caught
staging news coverage of the Hamas v. Israel "war"
currently being played out. In the last 24 hours we have heard reports of Hamas allegedly "butchering" and beheading babies. This is the same propaganda heart-strings playbook used during WWI to fool the British & American public into believing that German soldiers were bayoneting Belgian babies, then rendering their little bodies to make soap.
On Dec. 02, 1925, British Foreign Secretary Sir Austen Chamberlain officially stated in Parliament that the British government accepted that the "corpse factory" or "Kadavar factories" stories were not true.
Fig. 2 - Gabriel, McKibben. (Oct. 09, 2023). Israel and the Babylonian Radhanite merchant-bankers. AIM, AFI. Source: Raw *.mp4 video file. See All Wars are Bankers' Wars.
Fig. 3—Laphonza Romanique Butler. (Compiled Oct. 03, 2023). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (2.3 MB). Contains links to the source material.
Now let’s dive into the other aspects of Laphonza’s
larger-than-life resume that a professional background report would reveal (which
neither she nor Newsom has provided).
has never held elected office before being thrown into the Senate caldron. This screams that she takes orders from a hidden hand (we think the British
Pilgrims Society in The City of London, just like Kamala and Joe). Kamala Harris' handler, Sir Nigel Knowles, lead trustee of the Prince's Trust International and British Crown Agents, hovers over his American grooms.
Laphonza is
interlocked with George Soros and the Open Society Foundation via Susan
Sandler, who has been a director of Democracy Alliance founded by Soros, and is
interlocked with Barack Obama, Cory Booker, and Kamala Harris, among other left-wing hacks.
Laphonza is
married to gay Nenki Lee, who is her evident British Pilgrims Society handler.
Nenki graduated from Scripps College which is a notorious grooming outpost in
America for the Pilgrims Society, Empire Press Union (now CPU Media Trust),
Reuters, and the Rothschilds in The City of London.
hides the identities of her family members. She does not disclose the names of
her father and mother or “two sisters.” We have dug them up, although
hindered that effort.
did not post a biography on Laphonza until Oct. 02, 2023, and did not even know
her birthdate! Two days later, on Oct. 04, 2023 (today), they added May 11,
1979, which we have now independently verified as correct.
Laphonza hides the identify of her parents. Why?
AFI investigators discovered that Laphonza’s
father was Bernard Butler
(b. Jul. 6, 1933; d. Sep. 29, 2012, 79 yrs. old).
Note: Wikipedia says: “Her father died of heart disease when she was 16 years
old.” This is a lie.
This would mean
he died in 1995, a premature death by 17 years!
Why lie about your father like this?
paternal grandparents are
Leslie and Artice Butler. Leslie's vitals are b. Mar. 14, 1903; d. unk. Artice died on Oct. 17, 1970 in Magnolia, Mississippi. Records
show that Leslie had a second grade education and was a farm laborer and railroad worker.
mother is unknown. Why hide your mother?
sisters are Eula M. Berry-Butler (b.
Sep. 1, 1973) and Joselyn L. Butler (b. Nov. 7, 1978).
Joselyn and Eula were officers with their father Bernard in the family
business: The Lawn Wizards Inc., Mississippi Co. ID 875228, dissolved on Jul. 15, 2005—seven years before father Bernard
Is Laphonza ashamed of her father's salt-of-the-earth profession? Are her aristocrat handlers in The City of London embarrased by her humble roots? (Unquestionably, because they are effete snobs.)
name is associated with at least 20 residences in her 44 years here on earth. That's one residence a year after college! She currently owns several multiple million dollar residences in Maryland (Washington,
D.C. metro) and California. No one does this without having a sugar daddy with a quid pro quo. Given Laphonza's average looks, it is unlikey for sex.
Laphonza does not tell us when she came out as a lesbian.
Experience tells us that Pilgrims Society grooms often find their gayness in university, or have it foisted upon them as a grooming right of passage.
Historically, the British Pilgrims Society finds gays easier to control. For example, the Cambridge Five spy ring. The Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-bankers learned millenia ago that habitual sexual aberations are prefered forms of slavery and control. The British plantation lords during the colonial period made an industry out of rape, buggery, and systematic beatings as a means of control. Alexander Hamilton was one such slaver who liked the boys. They cling to this perversion even today.
four years in political science and government at Jackson State University are unremarkable. A search on the website returned no evidence she was ever there.
We did find a local Jackson newspaper mention her in a filler quote when she was 20 years old.
After graduating from Jackson State University in 2001 she was catapulted into labor organizing in Baltimore, New Haven, Milwaukee,
and California of nurses, janitors, healthcare workers. Evidently, no daughter of a mower of lawns from Magnolia, Mississippi does that without a sugar daddy with an agenda.
in 2013—just 12 years out of Jackson U—Laphonza’s became president of SEIU Local 2015, a labor union representing 1.9 million workers in 100 occupations
in 150 local branches in the U.S. and the British Commonwealth of Canada.
affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress, in French the Congrès du travail du Canada (CTC), that is subject
to Canadian law and ultimately to the British Crown with its “Raiding and
Justification Protocol.” See
Proof of the 100-year Anglo-American Propaganda War.
In 2014,
Laphonza became a director of Planned Parenthood.
In 2016,
Laphonza advised Hillary for America.
In 2017,
Laphonza was a fellow at The Aspen Institute—a notorious mouthpiece for the
British Pilgrims Society. Her video on the Aspen site is vintage say-nothing Kamala, e.g., "job quality means the quality of the job."
In 2018,
Laphonza inexplicably became a Regent of the University of California, pretty good for a graduate of Jackson U.
In 2018,
Laphonza became a partner of SCRB Strategies, renamed Bearstar Strategies—a political
hack for Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris, Jerry Brown, Elizabeth Warren, Xavier Becera, Ed Markey, Hillary Clinton, and
even British Liberal Democrats like former deputy prime minister Sir Nicholas Clegg, now executive VP of Facebook aka Meta.
In 2018, Laphonza’s
grooming made her a governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Los Angeles, no
doubt due to her extensive Jackson U experience in political money laundering.
In 2020,
Laphonza became a director of public policy for Airbnb. Oh, now she is an expert in the hospitality business as well. Jackson U must be a magical learning ground.
Sorry girl, but you brought on this public criticism by your sycophancy. Repent. Tell the truth for a change.
Except for Dad Bernard's lawn mowing business, The Lawn Wizards Inc., Laphonza's word salad in this Aspen Institute video—featured on their website—does not inspire confidence that this groomed labor "leader" knows anything about her woke drivel.
Fig. 4—Laphonza R. Butler. (Jan. 18, 2018). Defining Job Quality. Aspen Institute. Source:
YouTube. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
In 2021,
Laphonza was appointed president of Emily’s List (not Craig’s List). Emily’s
List is a political action committee (PAC) in Washington, D.C. focused on
electing Democratic females in favor of abortion. IBM bankrolled the founding
of EMILY'S List
, The sole male director is Selwyn Donald Sussman (age 77), a JPMorgan Chase / Rothschild / The City of London surrogate in the U.S.
He attended British Pilgrims Society-controlled and founder Columbia University.
IBM also orchestrated, with the British Pilgrims Society, and the U.S. Department of Defense, the theft and weaponization of social networking technology from Columbus,
Ohio inventor Leader Technologies.
in Laphonza’s resume are her directorships in Bay Area Economic Council Institute, MIT CoLab, Children’s DefenseFund, and BlackPAC.
Note: Laphonza does not disclose any of these interlocking relationships on her
LinkedIn profile.
the Bay Area Economic Council Institute where she has never lived?
Why MIT CoLab where she has no experience in urban
Definitely why Children’s Defense Fund since Laphonza prefers aborting and dismembering the little blighters for their body parts,* not defending them? The wo-man has no empathy and no business advocating for children, unless that is just a front for abuse.
* Laphonza's Planned Parenthood attitude, not ours. They are God's precious innocents whose aborted lives will be avenged by God in eternity. Repent! End abortion now! Protect and Defend the Innocents.
BlackPAC targets black voters in prominent elections.
It is interlocked with VoteRiders and Kathleen Unger who are interlocked with Rockefeller Foundation (Pilgrims Society co-founders; Henry Kissinger's bankroller), Facebook, Uber, NBC Universal, Michael Obama,
Barack Obama, Google, Heinz (John Kerry), Paramount, SalesForce, Target, Unilever, Amber
Heard (Elon Musk), and a list of leftist election riggers as long as your arm.
Laphonza Butler has never filed a public ethics disclosure. She has been shoehorned into a California Senate seat in secret, with a completely obscured resume by a Getty Trust fund baby in Gavin Newsom.
Since Laphonza has never held public office, the public knows NOTHING about her. She must be required forthwith to make a disclosure statement similar to the questionnaire a federal judge nominee must complete during his or her Senate confirmation hearing. That includes a financial disclosure.
She must be required to disclose all her material relationships that might create conflicts of interest for her in given situations. She needs to tell us when she will recuse herself, and not.
She must also disclose all writings and speeches that can give the public an indication of her political biases.
Without these disclosures, Laphonza must not be allowed to sit in a Senate seat and vote.
Currently, Laphonza has made and signed no pledge of loyalty to the American people, and we can only assume that she is only loyal to her British handlers
Jesus Christ: "Get behind me, Satan."
—Matthew 16:23